Application Form

Online Rental Application Form

Please fill out this form and submit it when applying to rent a house.  You will need to confirm this application in your email inbox.  Once confirmed your application is complete. We use this information to communicate with your during the rental process and throughout the year.



This is the paper form. University Places Rental Application Form  - Right Click Here to Download

We want you to use the online form.  If you can't please let us know why and we'll fix our form or get you a paper one.

This is the information you need to supply to rent a house.  Download the form and mail it to us or hand it to us in person when you sign the lease.  You can click the link above for a copy of the Lease Application Form.

Address of the property you are applying for:

Group Name or Leader:

Your Name:

Year Graduating:

Current Address:

Cell Phone Number:

Home Address:

Home Telephone Number (for Emergencies):

Social Security Number:

Driver's License Number:

Email Address:

My Parents Will Sign the Co-Sign Form: circle -->  Yes     No